September Loco Roster and 60th Update

The running dates for September are now up in the ‘Roster’ area of the website. Our locos will see six days of running in the month ending with the final ‘Double Up Sunday’ of 2024 on Sunday 29th September. Remember, September is the final month of extensive normal running at the GWSR with only a few days and the Mixed Traffic Gala in October where you can sample our fine locomotives.

D6948 has had a repair completed after it failed at the end of the 60th Anniversary Celebration day. After the fault was traced, both brake feed cut off valves were changed and the new ones tested in situ. It would appear that this has rectified the issue and the loco is available for traffic again. The removed valves will be heading to Burton on Trent for refurbishment and overhaul.

The 60th Anniversary event was a great success and a substantial amount has been made that will help to keep both locos in fine fettle. After totting up and calculations were complete, the final figure was around £2000 in profit. A huge thank you goes out to all that attended and supported the event. We hope you all had a cracking day.

As mentioned previously, we had Martin and Richard from Hellfire TV recording throughout the day and they are currently putting the finishing touches to a celebratory DVD that will shortly be available exclusively via the Group. More news on this as it reaches conclusion – hopefully in the next few days. However, in the meantime, here is a little taster of what will be included…

If you are familiar with Hellfire TV you will already have an idea of the quality of video that you get, however, with this one they have pulled out all the stops! We can’t wait to see the finished article! If you are not familiar with them, have a gander at their YouTube site (or any of their other social media sites) and give them a like.

Finally, we have been aware of a problem with our online shop where some of the membership renewal choices have been saying that they are ‘Out of Stock’. This has hopefully now been rectified and online renewals can be completed once again. If you do experience any issues with any aspect of the shop, please contact us and we can rectify it.

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