Date | Working |
09/10/2016 | 2C55 10:15 TN-CR, 2T56 11:10 CR-TN, 2C63 13:15 TN-CR, 2T64 14:10 CR-TN, 2C71 16:15 TN-CR, 2T72 17:10 CR-TN |
08/10/2016 | 2C53 09:30 TN-CR, 2T54 10:25 CR-TN, 2C61 12:30 TN-CR, 2T62 13:25 CR-TN, 2C69 15:30 TN-CR, 2T70 16:25 CR-TN |
31/07/2016 | 2C53 09:30 TN-CR in tandem with D6575, 2L56 11:00 CR-LN, tail loco to TN, tail loco to LN, 2C73 14:31 LN-CR, 2T78 16:20 CR-TN in tandem with 37215 |
30/07/2016 | Tail loco TN-LN, 2C63 12:03 LN-CR, 2L66 13:20 CR-LN, Tail loco to TN, 1C91 19:00 TN-CR, Tail loco to TN |
29/07/2016 | 2C55 10:10 TN-CR, 2L56 11:00 CR-LN, Tail loco to TN, Tail loco to LN, 2C73 14:31 LN-CR, 2T74 15:40 CR-TN |
08/07/2016 | 17:30 TN-CR, 18:15 CR-TN: solo test run and supporters thank-you special. 19 miles. |
12/06/2016 | TN-CR & return loaded test with 37215 (7 coaches). 19 miles. |
22/05/2016 | TN-LN light engine test with 37215 - 5 miles |
06/11/2010 | Toddington-Laverton pway train x 2 |
29/10/2010 | Toddington-Gotherington-Stanton-Toddington x 4 Driver experience top & tail with 37215 |
28/10/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
28/10/2010 | 2L10 1055 Gotherington-Stanton |
28/10/2010 | 2G17 1130 Stanton-Gotherington |
28/10/2010 | 2L18 1225 Gotherington-Stanton |
28/10/2010 | 2T19 1300 Stanton-Toddington |
28/10/2010 | 2G27 1400 Toddington-Gotherington |
28/10/2010 | 2L28 1425 Gotherington-Toddington |
28/10/2010 | 2G31 1500 Stanton-Gotherington |
28/10/2010 | 2L32 1555 Gotherington-Stanton |
28/10/2010 | 2T33 1630 Stanton-Toddington |
27/10/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
27/10/2010 | 2L10 1055 Gotherington-Stanton |
27/10/2010 | 2G17 1130 Stanton-Gotherington |
27/10/2010 | 2L18 1225 Gotherington-Stanton |
27/10/2010 | 2T19 1300 Stanton-Toddington |
27/10/2010 | 2G27 1400 Toddington-Gotherington |
27/10/2010 | 2L28 1425 Gotherington-Toddington |
27/10/2010 | 2G31 1500 Stanton-Gotherington |
27/10/2010 | 2L32 1555 Gotherington-Stanton |
27/10/2010 | 2T33 1630 Stanton-Toddington |
03/10/2010 | GWR Autumn Diesel Gala |
03/10/2010 | 1150 Toddington-Stanton (Stop Board) |
03/10/2010 | 1200 Stanton (Stop Board)-Gotherington (rear) |
03/10/2010 | 1245 Gotherington-Toddington |
03/10/2010 | 1400 Toddington-Gotherington |
03/10/2010 | 1425 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
03/10/2010 | 1540 Toddington-Gotherington |
03/10/2010 | 1605 Gotherington-Stanton (Stop Board) (rear) |
03/10/2010 | 1700 Stanton (Stop Board)-Gotherington |
03/10/2010 | 1745 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
02/10/2010 | GWR Autumn Diesel Gala |
02/10/2010 | 0930 Toddington-Gotherington |
02/10/2010 | 1010 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
02/10/2010 | 1100 Toddington-Stanton (Stop Board) (rear) |
02/10/2010 | 1110 Stanton (Stop Board)-Toddington |
02/10/2010 | 1240 Toddington-Stanton (Stop Board) |
02/10/2010 | 1250 Stanton (Stop Board)-Gotherington (rear) |
02/10/2010 | 1335 Gotherington-Toddington |
02/10/2010 | 1600 Toddington-Stanton (Stop Board) |
02/10/2010 | 1610 Stanton (Stop Board)-Gotherington (rear) |
02/10/2010 | 1655 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/08/2010 | 0G09 1015 Toddington-Winchcombe LD |
30/08/2010 | 2G09 1040 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/08/2010 | 2W10 1059 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
30/08/2010 | 2G11 1114 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/08/2010 | 2T12 1128 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/08/2010 | 2G21 1300 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
30/08/2010 | 2W22 1325 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
30/08/2010 | 2G23 1340 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/08/2010 | 2T24 1354 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/08/2010 | 2G31 1515 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
30/08/2010 | 2W32 1540 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
30/08/2010 | 2G33 1555 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/08/2010 | 2T34 1609 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/08/2010 | 2G13 1130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/08/2010 | 2W14 1155 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
21/08/2010 | 2G15 1210 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
21/08/2010 | 2T16 1224 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/08/2010 | 2G27 1415 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/08/2010 | 2W28 1440 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
21/08/2010 | 2G29 1455 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
21/08/2010 | 2T30 1509 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/08/2010 | 2G39 1635 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/08/2010 | 2T40 1700 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/07/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
21/07/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/07/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
21/07/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/07/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
21/07/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
21/07/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
21/07/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
19/07/2010 | Toddington shunt and TV filming duties |
19/07/2010 | Toddington-Winchcombe ecs TV filming special |
19/07/2010 | Winchcombe-Toddington ecs TV filming special |
11/07/2010 | 1050 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
11/07/2010 | 1125 Gotherington-Toddington |
11/07/2010 | 1210 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
11/07/2010 | 1245 Gotherington-Toddington |
11/07/2010 | 1330 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
11/07/2010 | 1405 Gotherington-Toddington |
11/07/2010 | 1610 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
11/07/2010 | 1645 Gotherington-Stanway |
11/07/2010 | 1730 Stanway-Toddington (rear) |
10/07/2010 | 0930 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
10/07/2010 | 1005 Gotherington-Toddington |
10/07/2010 | 1330 Toddington-Gotherington |
10/07/2010 | 1405 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
10/07/2010 | 1450 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
10/07/2010 | 1525 Gotherington-Toddington |
09/07/2010 | 1020 Toddington-Winchcombe - air brake translator loco for 08683 |
09/07/2010 | 1050 Winchcombe-Toddington - air brake translator loco for 08683 |
09/07/2010 | 1120 Toddington-Winchcombe - air brake translator loco for 08202 |
09/07/2010 | 1150 Winchcombe-Toddington - alone (08202 failed at Winchcombe) |
09/07/2010 | 1220 Toddington-Winchcombe - air brake translator loco for 08598 |
09/07/2010 | 1250 Winchcombe-Toddington - air brake translator loco for 08598 |
09/07/2010 | 1400 Toddington-Winchcombe - air brake translator loco for 08683 & 08598 |
09/07/2010 | 1430 Winchcombe-Toddington - air brake translator loco for 08683 & 08598 |
09/07/2010 | 1500 Toddington-Winchcombe - air brake translator loco for 08683 |
09/07/2010 | 1530 Winchcombe-Toddington - air brake translator loco for 08683 |
03/07/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
03/07/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
03/07/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
03/07/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
03/07/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
03/07/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
03/07/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
03/07/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/06/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
30/06/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/06/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
30/06/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/06/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
30/06/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
30/06/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
30/06/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
29/06/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
29/06/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
29/06/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
29/06/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
29/06/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
29/06/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
29/06/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
29/06/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
27/06/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
27/06/2010 | 2T10 1053 Gotherington-Toddington |
27/06/2010 | 2G13 1130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
27/06/2010 | 2T14 1153 Gotherington-Toddington |
27/06/2010 | 2G21 1300 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
27/06/2010 | 2T22 1323 Gotherington-Toddington |
27/06/2010 | 2G27 1425 Toddington-Gotherington |
27/06/2010 | 2T28 1456 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
27/06/2010 | 2G33 1540 Toddington-Gotherington |
27/06/2010 | 2T34 1603 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
27/06/2010 | 2G39 1635 Toddington-Gotherington |
27/06/2010 | 2T40 1658 Gotherington-Toddington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 0G09 1015 Toddington-Winchcombe LD |
26/06/2010 | 2G09 1040 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 2W10 1059 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
26/06/2010 | 2G11 1114 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 2T12 1128 Gotherington-Toddington |
26/06/2010 | 2G21 1300 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 2W22 1325 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
26/06/2010 | 2G23 1340 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 2T24 1354 Gotherington-Toddington |
26/06/2010 | 2G31 1515 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 2W32 1540 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
26/06/2010 | 2G33 1555 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
26/06/2010 | 2T34 1609 Gotherington-Toddington |
25/06/2010 | Toddington-Gotherington & return light engine x 3 - Driver Experience - failed to re-start after being shutdown for lunchtime break |
24/06/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
24/06/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
24/06/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
24/06/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
24/06/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
24/06/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
24/06/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
24/06/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
24/06/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
24/06/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
24/06/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
24/06/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
24/06/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington |
24/06/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
23/06/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
23/06/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
23/06/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
23/06/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
23/06/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
23/06/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
23/06/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
23/06/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
23/06/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
23/06/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
23/06/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
23/06/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
23/06/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington |
23/06/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
20/06/2010 | 2G13 1130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
20/06/2010 | 2W14 1155 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
20/06/2010 | 2G15 1210 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
20/06/2010 | 2T16 1224 Gotherington-Toddington |
20/06/2010 | 2G27 1415 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
20/06/2010 | 2W28 1440 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
20/06/2010 | 2G29 1455 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
20/06/2010 | 2T30 1509 Gotherington-Toddington |
20/06/2010 | 2G39 1635 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
20/06/2010 | 2T40 1700 Gotherington-Toddington |
19/06/2010 | 2G13 1130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
19/06/2010 | 2W14 1155 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
19/06/2010 | 2G15 1210 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
19/06/2010 | 2T16 1224 Gotherington-Toddington |
19/06/2010 | 2G27 1415 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
19/06/2010 | 2W28 1440 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
19/06/2010 | 2G29 1455 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
19/06/2010 | 2T30 1509 Gotherington-Toddington |
19/06/2010 | 2G39 1635 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
19/06/2010 | 2T40 1700 Gotherington-Toddington |
17/06/2010 | 2G09 1030 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
17/06/2010 | 2W10 1055 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
17/06/2010 | 2G11 1110 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
17/06/2010 | 2T12 1124 Gotherington-Toddington |
17/06/2010 | 2G17 1215 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
17/06/2010 | 2W18 1240 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
17/06/2010 | 2G19 1255 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
17/06/2010 | 2T20 1309 Gotherington-Toddington |
17/06/2010 | 2G29 1430 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
17/06/2010 | 2W30 1455 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
17/06/2010 | 2G31 1510 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
17/06/2010 | 2T32 1524 Gotherington-Toddington |
17/06/2010 | 2G37 1615 Toddington-Gotherington |
17/06/2010 | 2T38 1640 Gotherington-Toddington |
17/06/2010 | 1848 Toddington-Stanway AGM special |
17/06/2010 | 1900 Stanway-Toddington (rear) AGM special |
17/06/2010 | 1910 Toddington-Stanway AGM special |
17/06/2010 | 1914 Stanway-Toddington (rear) AGM special |
13/06/2010 | 2G13 1130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
13/06/2010 | 2W14 1155 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
13/06/2010 | 2G15 1210 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
13/06/2010 | 2T16 1224 Gotherington-Toddington |
13/06/2010 | 2G27 1415 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
13/06/2010 | 2W28 1440 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
13/06/2010 | 2G29 1455 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
13/06/2010 | 2T30 1509 Gotherington-Toddington |
13/06/2010 | 2G39 1635 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
13/06/2010 | 2T40 1700 Gotherington-Toddington |
12/06/2010 | 2G13 1130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
12/06/2010 | 2W14 1155 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
12/06/2010 | 2G15 1210 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
12/06/2010 | 2T16 1224 Gotherington-Toddington |
12/06/2010 | 2G27 1415 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
12/06/2010 | 2W28 1440 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
12/06/2010 | 2G29 1455 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
12/06/2010 | 2T30 1509 Gotherington-Toddington |
12/06/2010 | 2G39 1635 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
12/06/2010 | 2T40 1700 Gotherington-Toddington |
15/05/2010 | 1G47 1900 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
15/05/2010 | 1T48 2000 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
15/05/2010 | 1G49 2045 Winchcombe-Gotherington (rear) |
15/05/2010 | 1T50 2100 Gotherington-Toddington |
15/05/2010 | 1G45 2130 Toddington-Gotherington (rear) |
15/05/2010 | 1W46 2245 Gotherington-Winchcombe |
15/05/2010 | 0T46 2310 Winchcombe-Toddington light engine |
12/05/2010 | 1107 Toddington-Stanway (rear) HMRI approval special |
12/05/2010 | 1117 Stanway-Toddington HMRI approval special |
12/05/2010 | 1143 Toddington-Stanway (rear) HMRI approval special |
12/05/2010 | 1153 Stanway-Toddington HMRI approval special |
10/05/2010 | 0G09 10:15 Toddington-Winchcombe |
10/05/2010 | 2G09 (10:30 Toddington) 1045 Winchcombe-Gotherington on REAR) |
10/05/2010 | 2W10 10:58 Gotherington-Winchcombe (Steam ON REAR) |
10/05/2010 | 2G11 11:12 Winchcombe (ON REAR)- Gotherington |
10/05/2010 | 2T12 11:25 Gotherington-Toddington (Steam ON REAR to Winchcombe) |
10/05/2010 | 2G21 13:00 Toddington-Gotherington (Steam on rear from Winchcombe) |
10/05/2010 | 2W22 13:28 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Winchcombe. |
10/05/2010 | 2G23 13:42 Winchcombe-Gotherington (Steam ON REAR) |
10/05/2010 | 2T24 13:55 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Winchcombe |
10/05/2010 | 2G27 (1415 Toddington) 1435 Winchcombe-Gotherington (ON REAR) |
10/05/2010 | 2W28 14:48 Gotherington-Winchcombe (Steam ON REAR) |
10/05/2010 | 2G29 15:02 Winchcombe (ON REAR)-Gotherington |
10/05/2010 | 2T30 15:15 Gotherington-Toddington (Steam ON REAR to Winchcombe) |
10/05/2010 | 2G39 16:40 Toddington-Gotherington (Steam on REAR from Winchcombe) |
10/05/2010 | 2T40 17:08 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Toddington |
03/05/2010 | 0G09 10:15 Toddington-Winchcombe |
03/05/2010 | 2G09 (10:30 Toddington) 1045 Winchcombe-Gotherington on REAR) |
03/05/2010 | 2W10 10:58 Gotherington-Winchcombe (Steam ON REAR) |
03/05/2010 | 2G11 11:12 Winchcombe (ON REAR)- Gotherington |
03/05/2010 | 2T12 11:25 Gotherington-Toddington (Steam ON REAR to Winchcombe) |
03/05/2010 | 2G21 13:00 Toddington-Gotherington (Steam on rear from Winchcombe) |
03/05/2010 | 2W22 13:28 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Winchcombe. |
03/05/2010 | 2G23 13:42 Winchcombe-Gotherington (Steam ON REAR) |
03/05/2010 | 2T24 13:55 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Winchcombe |
03/05/2010 | 2G27 (1415 Toddington) 1435 Winchcombe-Gotherington (ON REAR) |
03/05/2010 | 2W28 14:48 Gotherington-Winchcombe (Steam ON REAR) |
03/05/2010 | 2G29 15:02 Winchcombe (ON REAR)-Gotherington |
03/05/2010 | 2T30 15:15 Gotherington-Toddington (Steam ON REAR to Winchcombe) |
03/05/2010 | 2G39 16:40 Toddington-Gotherington (Steam on REAR from Winchcombe) |
03/05/2010 | 2T40 17:08 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Toddington |
02/05/2010 | 5W09 09:55 Toddington-Winchcombe ecs |
02/05/2010 | 2G09 1045 Winchcombe-Gotherington on REAR) |
02/05/2010 | 2W10 10:58 Gotherington-Winchcombe (Steam ON REAR) |
02/05/2010 | 2G11 11:12 Winchcombe (ON REAR)- Gotherington |
02/05/2010 | 2T12 11:25 Gotherington-Toddington (Steam ON REAR to Winchcombe) |
02/05/2010 | 2G21 13:00 Toddington-Gotherington (Steam on rear from Winchcombe) |
02/05/2010 | 2W22 13:28 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Winchcombe. |
02/05/2010 | 2G23 13:42 Winchcombe-Gotherington (Steam ON REAR) |
02/05/2010 | 2T24 13:55 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Winchcombe |
02/05/2010 | 2G27 (1415 Toddington) 1435 Winchcombe-Gotherington (ON REAR) |
02/05/2010 | 2W28 14:48 Gotherington-Winchcombe (Steam ON REAR) |
02/05/2010 | 2G29 15:02 Winchcombe (ON REAR)-Gotherington |
02/05/2010 | 2T30 15:15 Gotherington-Toddington (Steam ON REAR to Winchcombe) |
02/05/2010 | 2G39 16:40 Toddington-Gotherington (Steam on REAR from Winchcombe) |
02/05/2010 | 2T40 17:08 Gotherington (ON REAR)-Toddington |
28/03/2010 | 1125 Toddington-Winchcome |
28/03/2010 | 1155 Winchcombe-Toddington |
28/03/2010 | 1310 Toddington-Cheltenham |
28/03/2010 | 1351 Cheltenham-Toddington (on rear - top & tail) |
28/03/2010 | 1550 Toddington-Winchcombe |
28/03/2010 | 1615 Winchcombe-Toddington (with 08881) |
27/03/2010 | 1000 Toddington-Winchcombe |
27/03/2010 | 1027 Winchcombe-Toddington |
27/03/2010 | 1310 Toddington-Cheltenham |
27/03/2010 | 1351 Cheltenham-Toddington |
27/03/2010 | 1722 Toddington-Winchcombe |
27/03/2010 | 1756 Winchcombe-Toddington (1725 Cheltenham with 37324 & 37215) |
20/03/2010 | 0930 Toddington-Winchcombe light engine |
20/03/2010 | 0955 Winchcombe-Toddington special freight |
20/03/2010 | 2C13 1130 Toddington-Cheltenham |
20/03/2010 | 2T14 1215 Cheltenham-Toddington |
27/12/2009 | 10:55 Toddington-Cheltenham |
27/12/2009 | (t&t 1140 Cheltenham-Toddington with 37215) |
27/12/2009 | 15:15 Toddington-Cheltenham |
27/12/2009 | 16:00 Cheltenham-Toddington in tandem with 37215 |
27/12/2009 | (t&t 17:00 Toddington-Winchcombe with 20137) |
27/12/2009 | 17:20 Winchcombe-Toddington |
25/10/2009 | 1125 Toddington-Winchcombe |
25/10/2009 | 1155 Winchcombe-Toddington |
25/10/2009 | 1410 Toddington-Winchcombe |
25/10/2009 | 1440 Winchcombe-Toddington |
25/10/2009 | 1510 Toddington-Cheltenham |
25/10/2009 | 1605 Cheltenham-Toddington |
24/10/2009 | 1045 Toddington-Cheltenham - leading (t&t with 37215) |
24/10/2009 | 1150 Cheltenham-Toddington - rear (t&t with 37215) |
24/10/2009 | 1510 Toddington-Cheltenham (with 37215 & 37324) - formed 37215-37324-37248 |
24/10/2009 | 1605 Cheltenham-Toddington (with 37215 & 37324) - formed 37248-37324-37215 |
18/10/2009 | 1415 Toddington-Cheltenham & 1500 return (with 37215) |
18/10/2009 | 1635 Toddington-Cheltenham & 1720 return |
11/10/2009 | 1A01 0845 Ruddington-Loughborough north end of t&t |
11/10/2009 | 1D02 0945 Loughborough-Ruddington (in tandem with 08114 & 08220 from East Leake) north end of t&t |
11/10/2009 | 1A05 1100 Ruddington-Loughborough north end of t&t |
11/10/2009 | 1D06 1145 Loughborough-Ruddington north end of t&t |
11/10/2009 | 1A13 1500 Ruddington-Loughborough north end of t&t |
11/10/2009 | 1D14 1545 Loughborough-Ruddington (in tandem with 31452 from East Leake) north end of t&t |
10/10/2009 | 1A01 0900 Ruddington-Loughborough (in tandem with 20007 & 20154) (north end of top & tail) |
10/10/2009 | 1D02 0945 Loughborough-Ruddington (in tandem with 20007 & 20154 to East Leake) north end of t&t |
10/10/2009 | 1A05 1100 Ruddington-Loughborough north end of t&t |
10/10/2009 | 1D06 1145 Loughborough-Ruddington north end of t&t |
10/10/2009 | 1A13 1500 Ruddington-Loughborough north end of t&t (in tandem with 31452) |
10/10/2009 | 1D14 1545 Loughborough-Ruddington north end of t&t (in tandem with 31452) |
05/07/2009 | 2G63 0920 Bury-Rawtenstall |
05/07/2009 | 2J64 1006 Rawtenstall-Heywood |
05/07/2009 | 2J71 1115 Heywood-Rawtenstall (with 37418 from Bury) |
05/07/2009 | 2J72 1246 Rawtenstall-Heywood (with 37418) |
05/07/2009 | 2J81 1355 Heywood-Bury (Rawtenstall) (with 37418) |
04/07/2009 | 2J71 (Heywood) 1150 Bury-Rawtenstall (with 37109) |
04/07/2009 | 2J72 1246 Rawtenstall-Heywood (with 37109) |
04/07/2009 | 2J81 1355 Heywood-Bury (Rawtenstall)(with 37109) |
03/07/2009 | 2J75 1250 Bury-Rawtenstall (train from Heywood) |
03/07/2009 | 2J76 1336 Rawtenstall-Heywood |
03/07/2009 | 2J83 1445 Heywood-Bury (to Rawtenstall) |
03/07/2009 | 2F85 1604 Bury-Ramsbottom |
03/07/2009 | 2F86 1654 Ramsbottom-Bury |
28/06/2009 | 0950 Hammersmith-Butterley ecs |
28/06/2009 | 1000 Butterley-Riddings Loop |
28/06/2009 | 1028 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith |
28/06/2009 | 1146 Hammersmith-Riddings Loop |
28/06/2009 | 1218 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith |
28/06/2009 | 1346 Hammersmith-Riddings Loop |
28/06/2009 | 1418 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith |
28/06/2009 | 1623 Hammersmith-Riddings Loop (with 40012) |
28/06/2009 | 1653 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith (with 40012) |
28/06/2009 | 1731 Hammersmith-Butterley (with 40012) |
27/06/2009 | 0910 Swanwick-Riddings Loop light engine |
27/06/2009 | 0925 Riddings Loop-Swanwick-Hammersmith light engine |
27/06/2009 | 0950 Hammersmith-Butterley ecs |
27/06/2009 | 1000 Butterley-Riddings Loop |
27/06/2009 | 1028 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith |
27/06/2009 | 1146 Hammersmith-Riddings Loop |
27/06/2009 | 1218 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith |
27/06/2009 | 1346 Hammersmith-Riddings Loop |
27/06/2009 | 1418 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith |
27/06/2009 | 1623 Hammersmith-Riddings Loop (with 40012) |
27/06/2009 | 1653 Riddings Loop-Hammersmith (with 40012) |
27/06/2009 | 1731 Hammersmith-Butterley (with 40012) |
17/05/2009 | 1215 Ruddington-Loughborough (on rear) |
17/05/2009 | 1300 Loughborough-Ruddington |
17/05/2009 | 1415 Ruddington-Loughborough (on rear) |
17/05/2009 | 1500 Loughborough-East Leake |
17/05/2009 | 1630 East Leake-Ruddington |
16/05/2009 | 1215 Ruddington-Loughborough (on rear) |
16/05/2009 | 1300 Loughborough-Ruddington |
16/05/2009 | 1415 Ruddington-Loughborough (on rear) |
16/05/2009 | 1500 Loughborough-East Leake |
16/05/2009 | 1630 East Leake-Ruddington |
16/05/2009 | 1715 Ruddington-Loughborough (on rear) |
16/05/2009 | 1800 Loughborough-Ruddington |
Laverton-Toddington pway train x 2 |
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