Sponsored swim to help raise money for new shed

Member Bill Pizer is helping to raise money for 37215’s share of the new diesel shed at Toddington by doing a sponsored swim. Bill wants to do his bit to raise money for the shed so is undertaking a sponsored swim of one mile during March 2012. If you want to help Bill and give him some encouragement and support the new undercover home for 37215 in the process, then please visit the Just Giving webpage we have set up, to make it really easy to donate.  If you are a UK tax payer, please register for Gift Aid and the Group will receive the extra amount!! It’s quick, simple and easy! click to continue reading

Work starts on new diesel shed

Ground works started on preparing the site of the new diesel shed at Toddington on Thursday 11th January, which the Growler Group is part funding as a home for 37215. It is planned to start building the foundation pads for the shed week commencing the 16th January with erection of the building starting on the 29th January. All works are being undertaken by contractors. click to continue reading

Growler Group to part fund new Diesel Shed at Toddington – help needed!

For many years the active Growler Group (GG) volunteers have restored, maintained and operated our locomotives from the yard in all of the usual weather conditions that we are so familiar with in the UK. This is challenging for the persons involved but more damaging for our fifty year old machines that are subjected to the extreme temperatures (-16 degrees Celsius last winter), wind, rain and sun (ultra violet light). click to continue reading

37248 steams for the first time

Sunday 6th November was a major milestone in the project to restore 37248 to as built condition. Following installation of fuel and water pipework to the boiler together with the necessary electrical connections, a successful first steaming took place of the boiler in the locomotive.  The installation of the main steam pipe along the locomotive together with the associated buffer beam steam heat fittings and pipework will follow. click to continue reading