2024 Diesel Gala and July Roster

It’s that time of year where we are deep into the preparation for our showcase event at the GWSR, the Diesel Gala. This year our two locos will be joined the remainder of the GWSR home fleet, which include guest loco, Class 26 5310, from our friends at the Llangollen Diesel Group and, after a successful test, Class 20 20228 – which will make its preservation debut in its new guise (it did run in its old CFR condition when at the Barry Tourist Railway).

Both 37215 and D6948 will be in service on all three days, including a double headed run on all three days. No doubt the next couple of weeks will see the maintenance team fettling both locos and giving them a well deserved scrub to ensure they look their best for our showcase event after a fairly busy May and June.

Ticket and full Gala details can be found at https://www.gwsr.com/galas/diesel-gala.

The July roster has also been published and sees, as usual, both locos out and about. 37215 sees the higher number of running days, being rostered on the Purple TT on the 2, 3, 23 and 24 July. D6948 will be out on the Purple TT on the 9 and 10 July.

Finally, a reminder of our event on Friday 16 August to celebrate both locos reaching 60 Years of age. Growler Group members get a discount on the price of the ticket (Adult only – proof of membership is required), so there has never been a better time to get a membership to help with the continued support needed to keep these locos in the stunning condition you see when you visit. You can buy memberships and tickets for the 16 August in our new webstore at https://thegrowlergroup.square.site/

You can also apply for a membership via this website – just click on the ‘membership’ icon in the menu at the top, download or print the form and follow the instructions. You can also join up in person by visiting our Sales Stand which will be open during the Diesel Gala.

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