March 2024 Update

Firstly, as you may have seen in the new issue of ‘The Growler’ magazine, Saturday 16th March sees the 37th Annual General Meeting of the group taking place at the Tim Mitchell Building, Winchcombe at 11am. All Growler Group members are welcome, although remember to bring your membership details with you. Do remember that this is your chance to come and have a say in how the charity is run and, if you want to be more involved, you can potentially put yourself forwards to join the Committee. Not only will there be discussion on Group focus for 2024 but also the elections for the Board. click to continue reading

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

37215 and D6948 bask in the sun at Toddington during the 2023 Diesel Gala.

The Committee would like to extend their best wishes for Christmas to you all and hope that you have a peaceful and content festive period. Those of you who are group members should have received the final 2023 edition of ‘The Growler’ magazine by now and, hopefully, you have enjoyed another top selection of articles and photos. Do remember that the magazine is always requiring any new articles (no matter how short or long) that are relevant to the Class 37 so, if you have something you would like to contribute then don’t be shy! Drop Simon Hale a message at click to continue reading

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