D6948 steams for the first time at the October gala



If you’ve been following the restoration story of D6948, then you’ll remember that one of the first things done in the project back in July 2010 was to install a Clayton RO2500 Steam Generator in order to provide steam heat capability. Although built to take one, the loco was never actually fitted with one until 2010 when a Bridgwater firm managed to produce one refurbished unit out of three scrap generators that had been rescued out of 37s many years ago. With the loco now having returned to service at the GWR’s July Diesel Gala, the steam generator was Continue reading

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D6948 completes loaded test run

D6948 successfully completed a loaded test run on Sunday 12th June when it ran from Toddington to Cheltenham Racecourse and return with a 7 coach ECS and 37215 as insurance and deadweight. A few minor issues were encountered (as expected) but the loco performed well and all being well, is on track to make its debut in passenger service on Friday 29th July on the first day of the GWR’s summer diesel gala Continue reading

D6948 reaches a major milestone! Power unit started.

After 5 long years, a lot of blood, sweat and tears and not a little cash, D6948 sprang back into life at 10:20 this morning following its partial engine rebuild and general refurbishment. The loco was run up for approximately an hour and 20 minutes testing air systems, brakes and control air/engine rev response and a snagging list produced….Still plenty to do with much testing of electrical systems and hopefully resolution of what will turn out to be minor faults on both air leaks and electrics. But the main thing was that the power unit ran very well indeed and very smoothly – and beyond our expectations. click to continue reading